SafeTS – anticcolision system

SafeTS – anticcolision system

We are very proud to present the video of our SafeTS (STS), the revolutionary platform dedicated to safety in the logistics sector!

STS is a platform, which aims to improve the safety of the logistics sector on handling vehicles, from the warehouse to the construction site. STS allows the recognition of the driver, the location of a pedestrian or other moving vehicles near the forklift and the slowing down of the vehicles within specific areas, representing an excellent aid to the safety systems already adopted. It also allows you to record all events (of management, driving performance, danger, collision) turning them into alerts easily accessible through mobile devices and Internet browsers.

SafeTSystem is very simple and feature-rich. With STS it is possible to:

Check access to the vehicle (Tkeylock function)
Check the presence of pedestrians (Tsafe function)
Automate the slowing down of the vehicle (Tslow function)
Automate the opening of unattended mechanical entrances (Topen)

It is also able to manage the vehicle safety signs (such as red / blue lights, buzzers, sirens)

The use of STS is simple and intuitive. The whole system is managed through SafeTApp, the specific app created for Android® devices that enables you to:

Parameterize all devices and transmitters
Check logs
Check events


Welcome back! Security focus

Best wishes for a great 2018! We hope that these holidays have been replied and even you worked hard during the holidays, have given new lifeblood.
We are back ready for a full of news year and exciting projects. We are preparing a special section on all the security products.

We have always been at the forefront to guarantee the highest quality and reliability of all our products and, of course, we pay attention to all the components dedicated to safety with a section of our catalog dedicated to these fundamental supports.

From the simplest equipment such as flashing lights, sirens and lamps, to sophisticated monitoring and tracking systems.

Soon we will on line with a great news, stay tuned!