Safety and efficiency in the evolution of the industrial landscape


Safety and efficiency: Industry 4.0, a technological revolution which, by integrating artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things, redefines industrial production with automated processes and an interconnected environment. This evolution enhances the efficiency and customization of production, requiring the adoption of innovative solutions to fully exploit its potential.

Redefining the future: Industrial Plants 4.0

We live in an era of epochal changes, in which industry is experiencing an unprecedented revolution: Industry 4.0. This radical transformation is driven by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented reality, which are redefining the way we produce and manage industrial activities.

Industry 4.0 represents a significant step forward compared to previous industrial paradigms. It’s not just about automating production processes, but about creating a completely interconnected, intelligent and flexible environment. The machines communicate with each other and with management systems in real time, allowing for more precise control and immediate response to unexpected events.

The heart of this revolution is digitalisation, which goes beyond the simple computerization of processes. Thanks to advanced data collection and analysis systems, companies can obtain a detailed view of their operations, enabling more informed decisions and optimized resource management. Production becomes more efficient, personalized and sustainable.

The practical applications of Industry 4.0 are evident in sectors such as manufacturing, logistics and maintenance. Forklifts, for example, can be equipped with intelligent sensors and geolocation systems to improve safety and optimize warehouse operations. Predictive maintenance becomes a reality, reducing downtime and increasing the life of systems.

This revolution is not only technological but also involves a cultural and organizational change. Businesses must adopt an open mindset to innovation and invest in training their teams to fully capitalize on the benefits of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 therefore represents an extraordinary opportunity to redefine our approach to industrial production. It is a journey towards technological excellence, operational efficiency and sustainability, which is shaping the future of businesses and industry as a whole.

Redefining the future: Tamarri, a constantly evolving reality

How is Tamarri positioned in this revolution?

For Tamarri S.R.L., technology and innovation represent a passion, a true vocation. This is why STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO were created, advanced solutions to improve safety and efficiency in industry 4.0. STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO by Tamarri have enabled expansion, designed to improve safety and efficiency, they are advanced solutions that can be successfully integrated into Tamarri’s portfolio to meet the growing needs of the sector.

But let’s find out them in detail: the STS EVO 4.0 device, focused on driver access control and pedestrian management, offers a significant contribution to warehouse safety. Its ability to reduce slowdowns in specific areas not only improves workplace safety but also helps increase productivity. This device offers advanced solutions that go beyond traditional spare parts, positioning Tamarri as a complete supplier for safety and efficiency needs within the industry.

The Tracker EVO, with its advanced vehicle monitoring and geolocalization function, allows you to optimize vehicle management and improve driver safety, representing an added value of great importance.

The tax and financial breaks introduced by the Government encourage companies to adopt Industry 4.0 solutions, reducing production costs.

Redefining the Future: A Portal to Security

In an era where technological innovation merges closely with the industrial sector, we cannot ignore the crucial role that safety plays in shaping the future of working environements. From the data provided by INAIL it clearly emerges that the majority of accidents are caused by failure to comply with safety regulations, underlining the need for constant commitment to guarantee safe and protected working environments.


What emerges from this analysis is the responsibility of each company in promoting a culture of safety. We as Tamarri s.r.l firmly believe that economic progress must be accompanied by respect and defense of the value of people and work, exposed in the rules that regulate this area.

Safety at work is not just regulatory compliance, but an ethical and social commitment that goes beyond mere observance of the law.

With a proactive approach to safety and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, we can not only reduce the number of injuries, but also create healthier and more productive work environments. Investing in safety protects the well-being of workers, moreover, it helps building companies that are resilient and sustainable in the long term. In this context, compliance with safety regulations becomes a foundation for building a prosperous and sustainable economic future, in which people are the center of industrial progress.

Precisely for this reason Tamarri has created a dedicated portal:


Tamarri elevates safety: advanced systems and solutions for forklifts

In recent years, Tamarri has expanded its market, focusing on the sale and application of innovative safety systems for forklifts. Our range includes devices for light and acoustic signaling, onboard systems such as bumpers, rear-view mirrors, seat belts, emergency buttons, and solutions related to fundamental maintenance, which is often neglected. Among these, the hydraulic chain cutting press and the rigorous gauges for measuring wear guarantee maximum safety when replacing chains.

Our product line ranges from the reliability of the sophisticated tracker device for real-time monitoring of the entire fleet to the most advanced devices. In particular, what we are particularly proud of is our STS collision avoidance system. Designed in-house by Tamarri, this cutting-edge platform improves safety in logistics sectors, offering optimal control over handling vehicles.

Our safety systems for forklifts, stand out for their reliability, precision and rigor. Designed in compliance with the latest safety regulations and produced with top quality materials, these systems allow you to improve the safety of handling vehicles, from the warehouse to the construction site, through an increase in remote monitoring possibilities.

In pursuing industrial excellence, we know that safety is not just a priority, but the key to a sustainable future. We look to the future with the certainty that investing in safety means investing in the lasting success of businesses and the well-being of people.

Forklifts in Industry 4.0. The progress of Intelligent Automation in forklifts

carrelli elevatori intelligenti

Forklifts in Industry 4.0: new industrial frontiers and important step towards intelligent automation.

Forklifts in Industry 4.0. The progress of Intelligent Automation in forklifts

The forklift industry is rapidly evolving and embracing the new frontiers of Industry 4.0 and intelligent automation. These material handling vehicles are becoming increasingly intelligent and connected, leading to a revolution in logistics processes and inventory management.

In this article, we will explore how forklifts are becoming key players in Industry 4.0 and how this is changing the industrial landscape, paying particular attention to opportunities for Italian forklift parts companies.

Traditional forklifts have long been reliable machines for lifting and transporting materials, but digital technologies have led to a qualitative leap in the automation and intelligence of these vehicles. Smart forklifts are equipped with advanced sensors, automated driving systems, artificial intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity to interact with the operating context and human operators.

Forklifts in Industry 4.0. Benefits of Intelligent Automation in Forklifts

Operational Efficiency: Smart forklifts can optimize material handling routes, reducing transportation times and fuel consumption, improving the overall efficiency of the entire logistics process.



Advanced Safety: Thanks to advanced sensors and detection systems, intelligent forklifts can identify and prevent collisions, reducing risks for operators and material.

Real-Time Monitoring: IoT connectivity allows for real-time monitoring of forklift performance, facilitating preventative maintenance and reducing downtime.

Process Automation: Intelligent forklifts can be integrated into automated processes, like stock management in warehouses or transport logistics.

Forklifts in Industry 4.0. Opportunities for Forklift Spare Parts Companies

With intelligent automation becoming more prevalent in the forklift industry, parts companies have the opportunity to expand their product and services to meet new market needs. Some of the opportunities include:

Intelligent Parts: Automation requires more sophisticated components adapted to the specifications of intelligent forklifts, such as advanced sensors, actuators and automated driving systems.

Software and Data Analytics: Parts companies can offer data management and analytics software for smart forklifts, allowing customers to monitor and optimize vehicle performance.

Smart Maintenance Services: Maintenance of smart elevators will require specialized skills and services, such as remote diagnosis and predictive maintenance.

Training and Technical Support: With the introduction of new technologies, parts companies can provide training and technical support for forklift operators, helping them make the best use of advanced features.

Intelligent forklifts: a fundamental component of Industry 4.0

Forklifts are becoming an essential component of industry 4.0, embracing intelligent automation and becoming increasingly connected. This transformation offers exciting opportunities for Italian forklift parts companies, as they can adapt their product and service offerings to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving industry.

The combination of operational efficiency, advanced safety and new features welcomes an exciting future for the forklift industry and parts companies that are ready to take on this challenge.

🔝 Tamarri is always ready to grasp and win all technological challenges! 😉

Flood in Emilia Romagna: forklifts and earthmoving machines


Flood in Emilia Romagna: how earthmoving forklifts can contribute to rescue operations.

alluvione strade

Flood in Emilia Romagna: damage to infrastructure and people

Unfortunately, the catastrophic images of the floods of recent days are still in everyone’s mind: landslides, mudslides, subsidence, floods… few areas were spared.

A large part of Emilia Romagna, from the Apennines to the Riviera, passing through the hills, has suffered damage. In some areas it was just a warning but in other devastating damages occured: everywhere a sense of fear, uncertainty and the need to start over. Clean up, rebuild where you can, and start again. Because in this region we are “keep moving forward”. Once again we are counting on aid from the Region, the State, the EU, hoping that they will be up to the situation in a material and managerial sense. In the meantime, take your shovel, arm strength, and formidable machines which in these circumstances become essential.

campi allagati

It is the forklifts and all the earthmoving vehicles which, with their tireless operators, are on the roads, in our homes, in our farms and in our companies moving tons of mud and rubble…what could we do without them?

Flood in Emilia Romagna: forklifts and earthmoving machines

Emilia Romagna, one of the most productive and beautiful regions in Italy, has been hit by a severe flood that has caused significant damage to infrastructure, putting the safety of residents at risk. In emergency situations like these, rescue operations require specialized equipment to meet logistical challenges and restore normality…where possible. In this context, earthmoving machinery can play a crucial role in providing support and contributing to recovery efforts.


The role of earthmoving vehicles during floods is fundamental and we have already seen it under the circumstances of destructive events. Earthmoving equipment, also known as excavators or earthmoving machines, are powerful vehicles that can lift and move large quantities of dirt, mud and rubble.

Earthmoving machinery: a fundamental role during hydrogeological emergencies

In general, during rescue operations like flood relief, these machines are essential for several activities:

  1. Debris removal: After a flood, one of the main priorities is to clear the streets and affected areas of accumulated debris. Earthmoving forklifts can be used to move and remove fallen trees, boulders and debris, opening blocked roads and allowing access for rescue workers.
  2. Cleaning drains: Flooding can block drains and cause further damage. Earthmoving forklifts can be used to clear and dredge canals, restoring water flow and preventing further flooding.
  3. Reconstruction of infrastructure: after the waters have receded, it is necessary to start restoration work on the damaged infrastructure. Earthmoving forklifts can be used to level the ground, dig foundations, prepare road bases and help in the reconstruction of buildings and bridges.
  4. Logistics support: During rescue operations, it is essential to have efficient logistics for the transport of materials, equipment and supplies to the intervention points. Earthmoving forklifts can facilitate the rapid loading and unloading of materials, speeding up operations and optimizing resources.



Therefore, in emergency situations such as the flood in Emilia Romagna, earthmoving forklifts represent an important resource for rescue and recovery operations. Their versatility, power and lifting capacity make them indispensable tools for removing debris, clearing drains, rebuilding infrastructure and supply.

Fundamental and irreplaceable machines which, together with the will and tenacity of the people of this land, will bring to light a unique territory: our Emilia Romagna.


Spare parts: choose the right partner!

Spare parts: the forklift and earthmoving industry is becoming increasingly important and constantly evolving. In a world that moves at an increasingly faster pace, companies are constantly looking for innovative solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of their forklifts and earthmoving machinery.

Spare parts: the right choice

Choosing the right spare parts is one of the most important aspects to ensure the correct functioning of forklifts and earthmoving machinery. In today’s market, companies that produce spare parts for this type of vehicles are becoming increasingly specialized, and increasingly able to offer specific solutions to customer needs.

Technology has revolutionized the forklift and earthmoving industry, thanks to a vast range of innovative solutions. Digitalisation provided companies with the opportunity to monitor their forklifts and earthmoving equipment in real time, allowing them to carry out more precise control and prevent any problems before they occur.

Spare parts: choose increasingly innovative companies

Forklift and earthmoving spare parts companies are always looking for innovative solutions, as the introduction of advanced technologies such as 3D printing. With this technology,  customized spare parts are produced quickly and efficiently, reducing vehicle inactivity and increasing productivity.

macchine intelligenti

Furthermore, spare parts companies for forklifts and earthmoving trucks are investing more and more in sustainability, choosing among eco-compatible solutions that reduce environmental impact. For example, using recycled or biodegradable materials can help companies reduce the environmental impact of their vehicles.

Spare parts: Tamarri as your technological partner

Thanks to these innovations, the forklift and earthmoving industry is becoming increasingly sophisticated and technologically advanced.

Tamarri s.r.l is increasingly committed in finding solutions to meet customer needs, implementing innovative technologies that guarantee the, efficiency and productivity of their vehicles.

With the continuous evolution of technology and a greater focus on sustainability, the future of the forklift and earthmoving industry is plenty of new opportunities.