New UWB anti-collision systems

In the dynamic world of logistics and handling, safety is a top priority. Tamarri Srl, leader in the forklift spare parts sector, is proud to present the latest innovation in safety: the Anti-Collision System with Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology.

The security revolution: UWB technology

The Tamarri Srl UWB System is designed to significantly improve safety in warehouses, construction sites and in work environments where forklifts and other industrial vehicles operate. UWB technology guarantees a detection precision of up to 10 cm, allowing you to identify obstacles and pedestrians through physical obstacles, with a minimal tendency to signal bounces. These characteristics make our system particularly effective in environments with high promiscuity of vehicles and pedestrians.

Main functions

The UWB System offers three main functions to ensure safety:

  1. Pedestrian-vehicle anti-collisionThis function detects the presence of pedestrians equipped with SS1001 wearable TAGs within four configurable safety areas. In case of danger, the system emits audible and visual alarms both on the main device SS1000 and on the wearable TAGs, alerting both the driver and pedestrians.
  2. Machine-to-machine collision preventionThanks to the SS1000 central unit, equipped vehicles can detect the presence of other vehicles nearby, reducing the risk of collisions in areas of poor visibility or at intersections.
  3. Management of intersections and work areasAlso known as zoning, this system slows down vehicles near intersections or limited areas, thanks to the use of SS1002 powered sensors, strategically positioned.

Pedestrian-vehicle anti-collision: safety at the highest levels

The pedestrian-vehicle anti-collision function is one of the most requested and appreciated features by our customers. In a dynamic work environment, where pedestrians share space with transport vehicles, safety is an essential topic. Tamarri Srl has developed an advanced solution to reduce the risks of accidents and guarantee a safer and more protected working environment.

How does it work

The pedestrian-vehicle anti-collision system is based on the use of wearable TAG (SS1001) by pedestrians and the central unit (SS1000) installed on forklifts. Here’s how it works in detail:


  1. Pedestrian detection: Every pedestrian, including forklift operators when not driving, wears an SS1001 TAG. These tags are equipped with motion sensors and rechargeable batteries, ensuring a long operating life and energy saving thanks to the standby mode activated after 10 minutes of immobility.
  2. Safety Areas: The system allows you to configure four detection areas around the forklift:
  • Green zone: activated within a configurable distance of up to 95 meters. In this zone, the tag beeps every 2 seconds.
  • Yellow zone: in this intermediate zone, the tag beep becomes more frequent, every second;
  • Red zone: this is the maximum alarm zone. The tag emits a continuous beep every second accompanied by a vibration, indicating an imminent danger of collision.
  • Silence area: to avoid false alarms when the forklift operator is outside the vehicle but close to it, it is possible to configure a silence area in which the tag does not trigger alarms on your forklift.
  1. Alarms and alerts: When a pedestrian enters one of the detection zones, the SS1000 System immediately activates audible and visual alarms on the forklift. At the same time, the tag worn by the pedestrian emits acoustic signals and, if necessary, vibrations, alerting the pedestrian to the danger.
  2. Personalized management of distances: detection distances can be customized via the SS1003 Configurator, taking into account the specific needs of the working environment. This allows the system to be adapted to the different speeds of the vehicles, the characteristics of the pavement and other critical variables.


Advantages of the pedestrian-vehicle anti-collision system

  • Reduction of accidents: the implementation of the pedestrian-vehicle anti-collision system significantly reduces the risk of accidents between pedestrians and transport vehicles.
  • Precise warnings: thanks to audible and visual alarms, both drivers and pedestrians are warned of danger in real time, allowing rapid and preventive reactions.
  • Customization: the ability to configure detection distances and safety areas allows you to adapt the system to the specific needs of each work site.
  • Energy efficiency: SS1001 TAGs are designed to last several days on a single charge and activate automatically with movement, ensuring efficiency and convenience.
  • Reliability: the detection accuracy of 10 cm and the ability to penetrate obstacles make the system extremely reliable even in complex and crowded environments.

Machine-machine collision prevention: total protection for handling vehicles

In the logistics and handling sector, collisions between vehicles represent a significant risk, especially in areas of poor visibility or at intersections. Our Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology helps mitigate these risks, ensuring a safer work environment and preventing costly damage to vehicles.


How does it work

The machine-machine collision avoidance system uses the SS1000 central unit installed on each handling vehicle. Here are the operational details:

  1. Vehicle detection: each vehicle is equipped with the SS1000 central unit, which acts as both a transmitter and receiver of UWB signals. When two vehicles equipped with the system approach within a configurable distance, the system automatically enters alarm mode.
  2. Alarms and warnings: when the configured safety distance is exceeded, the SS1000 System activates visual and audible alarms on the vehicles involved. Operators are immediately alerted to the presence of another vehicle nearby, allowing them to take preventative measures to avoid a collision.
  3. Automatic activation of alarms: the system can activate additional safety devices such as warning lights and buzzers, connected to the central unit via dedicated connectors. These devices increase the visibility of the danger and improve risk communication between vehicles.
  4. Customized configuration: the safety distance can be customized through the SS1003 Configurator. Users can adjust the parameters based on specific operational needs, taking into account the speed of the vehicles and the characteristics of the working environment.


Advantages of the machine-machine collision avoidance system

  • Reduction of collision risks: the system significantly reduces the risk of collisions between trucks, especially in areas with poor visibility or at intersections.
  • Timely alarms: visual and audible alarms immediately alert operators, allowing quick reactions to avoid accidents.
  • Versatility and adaptability: the system is suitable for any type of handling vehicle and can be configured for different operating situations.
  • Easy installation: the SS1000 central unit is simple to install and integrate into existing vehicles, without the need for complex additional devices.
  • Accuracy and reliability: UWB technology guarantees a detection accuracy of 10 cm, ensuring that alarms are activated only when actually necessary, reducing false positives to a minimum.


Application scenarios

The Tamarri Srl machine-machine collision avoidance system is ideal for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Warehouses: where vehicle movement is intense and visibility areas may be limited.
  • Construction sites: where different types of vehicles operate in close proximity to each other, increasing the risk of collisions.
  • Logistics areas: where coordination between vehicles is essential to maintain a safe and efficient workflow.
  • Loading and unloading areas: where the presence of numerous vehicles makes accident prevention crucial.

Management of intersections and work areas: control and safety in critical areas

The management of intersections and work areas is essential to prevent accidents in particularly busy and high-risk areas, such as intersections and pedestrian crossings. The innovative UWB anti-collision solution ensures optimal control and increases safety in these critical areas.

How does it work

The intersection and work area management system utilizes the SS1000 central unit and SS1002 sensors to create a safe and monitored environment. Here’s how it works in detail:

  1. Slowdown sensors: the SS1002 sensors, constantly powered, are positioned in strategic points of intersections and work areas. These sensors never go into standby to ensure continuous and reliable monitoring.
  2. Create safety zones: The system defines safety zones around intersections and work areas. When a vehicle equipped with the SS1000 central unit enters these areas, the system activates visual and audible alarms, warning the operator to slow down and pay attention.
  3. Area configuration: using the SS1003 Configurator, it is possible to customize security areas based on the specific needs of the work environment. Configuration includes detection distance and alarm settings, allowing precise control adapted to different operating situations.


  1. Continuous monitoring: thanks to UWB Technology, the SS1002 sensors guarantee precise and reliable coverage, detecting the presence of vehicles and activating alarms in a timely manner. This allows you to effectively manage risk situations and prevent accidents.


Advantages of the intersection and work area management system

  • Improved safety: the system significantly reduces the risk of accidents in high traffic areas and intersections, ensuring a safer working environment.
  • Timely warnings: visual and audible alarms immediately alert operators, allowing them to take preventive measures.
  • Adaptability and customisation: safety areas can be configured according to specific operational needs, ensuring precise control adapted to different situations.
  • Constant monitoring: the SS1002 sensors, constantly powered, ensure continuous monitoring without interruptions, increasing system reliability.
  • Ease of installation: the system is simple to install and integrate into existing vehicles and environments, without requiring complex modifications.

Application scenarios

The Tamarri Srl intersection and work area management system is ideal for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Warehouses: where vehicle movement is intense and visibility areas may be limited.
  • Construction sites: where different types of vehicles operate in close proximity to each other, increasing the risk of collisions.
  • Logistics areas: where coordination between vehicles is essential to maintain a safe and efficient workflow.
  • Loading and unloading areas: where the presence of numerous vehicles makes accident prevention crucial.

Advantages of the UWB Collision Avoidance System

  • High precision: UWB technology guarantees a detection accuracy of 10 cm, drastically reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Reliability: penetrates obstacles and has a low tendency to signal bounces, making the system reliable even in complex environments.
  • Versatility: suitable for use in both open and closed spaces, such as warehouses, construction sites and production areas.
  • Simplicity of installation: the system is easy to install on any type of vehicle, thanks to its intuitive design features.

System components

The system consists of different modular elements, which can be purchased individually based on the specific needs of the customer:

  • SS1000 Forklift device: the heart of the system, which acts as both a transmitter and a receiver.
  • SS1001 TAG Pedestrian: devices wearable by pedestrians, equipped with sound and vibration alarms.
  • SS1002 Slowdown sensor: used to manage intersections and work areas.
  • SS1003 Configurator: essential tool for configuring and customizing the system.

Tamarri Srl: innovation, safety and reliability

Tamarri Srl constantly innnovates the forklift safety sector, providing advanced solutions to reduce the risk of accidents and improve worker protection. Our UWB System represents a leap in quality in the management of safety at work, always keeping reliability and ease of use at the center.

Tamarri Srl is committed to providing innovative solutions that protect workers and improve operational efficiency. The integration of the UWB System into company processes not only reduces the risk of accidents, but helps create a safer and more productive working environment.


Safety and efficiency in the evolution of the industrial landscape


Safety and efficiency: Industry 4.0, a technological revolution which, by integrating artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things, redefines industrial production with automated processes and an interconnected environment. This evolution enhances the efficiency and customization of production, requiring the adoption of innovative solutions to fully exploit its potential.

Redefining the future: Industrial Plants 4.0

We live in an era of epochal changes, in which industry is experiencing an unprecedented revolution: Industry 4.0. This radical transformation is driven by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented reality, which are redefining the way we produce and manage industrial activities.

Industry 4.0 represents a significant step forward compared to previous industrial paradigms. It’s not just about automating production processes, but about creating a completely interconnected, intelligent and flexible environment. The machines communicate with each other and with management systems in real time, allowing for more precise control and immediate response to unexpected events.

The heart of this revolution is digitalisation, which goes beyond the simple computerization of processes. Thanks to advanced data collection and analysis systems, companies can obtain a detailed view of their operations, enabling more informed decisions and optimized resource management. Production becomes more efficient, personalized and sustainable.

The practical applications of Industry 4.0 are evident in sectors such as manufacturing, logistics and maintenance. Forklifts, for example, can be equipped with intelligent sensors and geolocation systems to improve safety and optimize warehouse operations. Predictive maintenance becomes a reality, reducing downtime and increasing the life of systems.

This revolution is not only technological but also involves a cultural and organizational change. Businesses must adopt an open mindset to innovation and invest in training their teams to fully capitalize on the benefits of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 therefore represents an extraordinary opportunity to redefine our approach to industrial production. It is a journey towards technological excellence, operational efficiency and sustainability, which is shaping the future of businesses and industry as a whole.

Redefining the future: Tamarri, a constantly evolving reality

How is Tamarri positioned in this revolution?

For Tamarri S.R.L., technology and innovation represent a passion, a true vocation. This is why STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO were created, advanced solutions to improve safety and efficiency in industry 4.0. STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO by Tamarri have enabled expansion, designed to improve safety and efficiency, they are advanced solutions that can be successfully integrated into Tamarri’s portfolio to meet the growing needs of the sector.

But let’s find out them in detail: the STS EVO 4.0 device, focused on driver access control and pedestrian management, offers a significant contribution to warehouse safety. Its ability to reduce slowdowns in specific areas not only improves workplace safety but also helps increase productivity. This device offers advanced solutions that go beyond traditional spare parts, positioning Tamarri as a complete supplier for safety and efficiency needs within the industry.

The Tracker EVO, with its advanced vehicle monitoring and geolocalization function, allows you to optimize vehicle management and improve driver safety, representing an added value of great importance.

The tax and financial breaks introduced by the Government encourage companies to adopt Industry 4.0 solutions, reducing production costs.

Redefining the Future: A Portal to Security

In an era where technological innovation merges closely with the industrial sector, we cannot ignore the crucial role that safety plays in shaping the future of working environements. From the data provided by INAIL it clearly emerges that the majority of accidents are caused by failure to comply with safety regulations, underlining the need for constant commitment to guarantee safe and protected working environments.


What emerges from this analysis is the responsibility of each company in promoting a culture of safety. We as Tamarri s.r.l firmly believe that economic progress must be accompanied by respect and defense of the value of people and work, exposed in the rules that regulate this area.

Safety at work is not just regulatory compliance, but an ethical and social commitment that goes beyond mere observance of the law.

With a proactive approach to safety and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, we can not only reduce the number of injuries, but also create healthier and more productive work environments. Investing in safety protects the well-being of workers, moreover, it helps building companies that are resilient and sustainable in the long term. In this context, compliance with safety regulations becomes a foundation for building a prosperous and sustainable economic future, in which people are the center of industrial progress.

Precisely for this reason Tamarri has created a dedicated portal:


Tamarri elevates safety: advanced systems and solutions for forklifts

In recent years, Tamarri has expanded its market, focusing on the sale and application of innovative safety systems for forklifts. Our range includes devices for light and acoustic signaling, onboard systems such as bumpers, rear-view mirrors, seat belts, emergency buttons, and solutions related to fundamental maintenance, which is often neglected. Among these, the hydraulic chain cutting press and the rigorous gauges for measuring wear guarantee maximum safety when replacing chains.

Our product line ranges from the reliability of the sophisticated tracker device for real-time monitoring of the entire fleet to the most advanced devices. In particular, what we are particularly proud of is our STS collision avoidance system. Designed in-house by Tamarri, this cutting-edge platform improves safety in logistics sectors, offering optimal control over handling vehicles.

Our safety systems for forklifts, stand out for their reliability, precision and rigor. Designed in compliance with the latest safety regulations and produced with top quality materials, these systems allow you to improve the safety of handling vehicles, from the warehouse to the construction site, through an increase in remote monitoring possibilities.

In pursuing industrial excellence, we know that safety is not just a priority, but the key to a sustainable future. We look to the future with the certainty that investing in safety means investing in the lasting success of businesses and the well-being of people.

How to choose the ideal earthmoving components for your fleet

Choosing components: If you are responsible for managing a fleet of forklifts, you know how crucial it is to keep your machines in perfect working order. In this article we will discover everything you need to know about the proper functioning of your forklifts.

How to choose components: the quality of the components

Forklifts are essential tools in many industries and their efficiency largely depends on the quality of their components. In particular, earthmoving components play a fundamental role in ensuring the stability, safety and performance of forklifts. In this article, we will explore how to choose the ideal earthmoving components for your fleet, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and operational safety.

How to choose components: evaluate the needs of your fleet

The first step in choosing the ideal earthmoving components for your forklift fleet is to fully understand the specific needs. Each fleet may have different requirements based on the sector in which it operates, the load it transports and the environmental conditions in which it works. Carry out a detailed assessment of the following areas:

  1. Weight and load capacity: Consider the maximum weight your forklifts must lift. Make sure earthmoving components are designed to handle heavy loads safely.
  2. Work environment: environmental conditions, such as the presence of bumpy, dirty or wet surfaces, influence the choice of earthmoving components. You will need to consider tires, shock absorbers and other parts according to the usage environment.
  3. Type of forklift: reach trucks, side trucks, telescopic boom forklifts – each type of forklift requires specific earthmoving components to ensure optimal performance.
  4. Preventive maintenance: Evaluate your preventive maintenance strategy. High-quality components may require a higher initial outlay, but can reduce maintenance costs in the long term.

How to choose components: consult industry experts

Choosing the ideal earthmoving components can be a complex task, especially if you are not an expert in the field. In these cases, it is advisable to consult industry experts or reliable forklift parts suppliers. They can help you identify quality components that meet the specific needs of your fleet.

Experts can also offer advice on component compatibility and compliance with safety regulations. Investing in trusted relationships with qualified suppliers is often a wise step to ensure smooth operations.


How to choose components: quality and safety

When choosing earthmoving components for your fleet, it is essential to place a strong emphasis on quality and safety. Opting for low-cost but poor-quality components can lead to frequent failures and dangerous situations. Instead, look for certified products from renowned brands, even if they require a larger initial investment.

Forklift safety is of primary importance, as a malfunction can result in serious injury or property damage. High quality components will help reduce the risk of accidents and increase the efficiency of your fleet.

Monitor and maintain components

Once you have chosen the ideal earthmoving components, the management of your fleet does not end. It is essential to implement a regular monitoring and maintenance program to ensure that components continue to function reliably over time. Preventative maintenance can help prevent costly failures and extend the life of components.

Choosing spare parts: maximizing the efficiency and longevity of forklifts, reducing the risk of accidents


Choosing the ideal earthmoving components for your forklift fleet is a critical decision that directly impacts the performance and safety of your operations. Take the time to carefully evaluate your fleet’s needs, consult industry experts and invest in high-quality components.

This approach will help you maximize the efficiency and longevity of your forklifts, while reducing the risk of accidents and costly downtime.






Spare parts: choose the right partner!

Spare parts: the forklift and earthmoving industry is becoming increasingly important and constantly evolving. In a world that moves at an increasingly faster pace, companies are constantly looking for innovative solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of their forklifts and earthmoving machinery.

Spare parts: the right choice

Choosing the right spare parts is one of the most important aspects to ensure the correct functioning of forklifts and earthmoving machinery. In today’s market, companies that produce spare parts for this type of vehicles are becoming increasingly specialized, and increasingly able to offer specific solutions to customer needs.

Technology has revolutionized the forklift and earthmoving industry, thanks to a vast range of innovative solutions. Digitalisation provided companies with the opportunity to monitor their forklifts and earthmoving equipment in real time, allowing them to carry out more precise control and prevent any problems before they occur.

Spare parts: choose increasingly innovative companies

Forklift and earthmoving spare parts companies are always looking for innovative solutions, as the introduction of advanced technologies such as 3D printing. With this technology,  customized spare parts are produced quickly and efficiently, reducing vehicle inactivity and increasing productivity.

macchine intelligenti

Furthermore, spare parts companies for forklifts and earthmoving trucks are investing more and more in sustainability, choosing among eco-compatible solutions that reduce environmental impact. For example, using recycled or biodegradable materials can help companies reduce the environmental impact of their vehicles.

Spare parts: Tamarri as your technological partner

Thanks to these innovations, the forklift and earthmoving industry is becoming increasingly sophisticated and technologically advanced.

Tamarri s.r.l is increasingly committed in finding solutions to meet customer needs, implementing innovative technologies that guarantee the, efficiency and productivity of their vehicles.

With the continuous evolution of technology and a greater focus on sustainability, the future of the forklift and earthmoving industry is plenty of new opportunities.