Original spare parts vs. aftermarket: what are the best options for your forklift?

When it comes to keeping your forklift in perfect condition, the choice of spare parts is essential. The dilemma between genuine and aftermarket parts can be complex, but both offer significant advantages that can meet the specific needs of each company. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of both options to help you make the best choice for your forklift.


The advantages of original spare parts

Original spare parts, also known as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), are produced directly by the forklift manufacturer or by authorized suppliers. Among the main advantages we find:

  • Quality and reliability: being produced according to the manufacturer’s original specifications, OEM spare parts guarantee high quality and perfect compatibility with your forklift, reducing the risk of breakdowns and prolonging the life of the vehicle.
  • Manufacturer’s warranty: The purchase of original parts often includes a manufacturer’s warranty, which offers additional security and protection against manufacturing defects.
  • Optimal performance: using OEM spare parts ensures that the forklift operates at its maximum capacity, maintaining high performance and operational efficiency.

The advantages of aftermarket spare parts

Aftermarket parts are produced by third-party companies that are not affiliated with the original forklift manufacturer. Here are some of their advantages:

  • Lower cost: one of the main advantages of aftermarket parts is the generally lower price compared to original parts, allowing companies to save without compromising quality.
  • Wide availability: the aftermarket spare parts market is vast and diversified and offers a wide range of products that can satisfy specific needs and customizations.
  • Innovation and improvements: Many aftermarket parts companies invest in research and development to improve existing components, often offering innovative and updated solutions that can exceed the specifications of the original parts.

Both choices offer significant advantages

Both original and aftermarket parts offer significant benefits that can help keep your forklift in tip-top operating condition. Carefully consider your specific needs and business priorities to make the best choice.

Contact us for more information!

If you need further advice or would like to discover our full range of forklift spare parts, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in choosing the best components for your vehicle.

Visit our website and find out how we can help you optimize the performance of your forklift!

Technological revolution in the earthmoving machinery sector

normativa industria 4.0

The earthmoving machinery sector, fundamental for the development of infrastructures and the implementation of various types of construction projects, is going through a phase of profound technological transformation. The integration of advanced technologies, from automation to artificial intelligence (AI), is redefining the limits of earthmoving operations, bringing substantial benefits in terms of operational efficiency, workplace safety and environmental sustainability.

carrello elevatore elettrico

Automations for greater safety and productivity

Automation technologies are revolutionizing the way earthmoving operations are managed, with a particular emphasis on safety and productivity in the workplace. Remote control systems allow operators to control machines from a safe location, dramatically reducing the risk of accidents and injuries during construction site activities. This is particularly crucial in high-risk situations or hazardous environments, where the operator’s physical presence could be at risk. The recent accidents at work that have crowded the news in recent months cannot leave us indifferent to this dramatic aspect.

Sensors and Telemetry

The integration of advanced sensors and telemetry systems allows continuous collection of data on site conditions and machine performance. This data provides crucial information to optimize earthmoving operations, monitor machine health and prevent unexpected failures. Telemetry also allows real-time monitoring of machines remotely, allowing operators to intervene promptly in the event of anomalies or problems.

Autonomous driving for efficiency and precision

Autonomous driving represents another key innovation in the earthmoving machinery sector. This technology allows machines to autonomously navigate through a construction site by following predefined paths or dynamically adapting to environmental conditions. This not only reduces the dependence on human operators, who are nevertheless fundamental for the control and verification of the machines, but also improves the operational efficiency and precision of excavation, leveling and soil movement activities. Furthermore, autonomous driving allows for greater uniformity and consistency in the work carried out, minimizing errors and waste of resources.

Intelligent route management for resource optimization

Intelligent path management is another important application of automation technologies in the earthmoving machinery sector. These systems use real-time data to optimize machine routes, minimizing distance traveled and maximizing fuel efficiency. Additionally, intelligent route management takes into account variables such as construction site congestion, terrain conditions and access restrictions to ensure optimal workflow and equitable distribution of resources.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning is revolutionizing the way earthmoving machinery is used and managed. AI algorithms analyze massive amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, improving the accuracy of digging, grading and earthmoving operations. Additionally, AI is used to optimize preventative maintenance, predicting downtime and proactively planning maintenance interventions.

Invest in training and infrastructure, constant evaluation and updating to ensure their correct functioning and maximize the benefits

In conclusion, the integration of automation and remote control technologies in the earthmoving machinery sector brings a series of significant benefits, including greater workplace safety, greater productivity and more efficient use of resources. However, it is important to note that these innovations require adequate investment in training and infrastructure, as well as continuous evaluation and updating to ensure their correct functioning and maximize the benefits for businesses and workers in the sector.

It is essential that companies in the sector remain updated on the latest technologies and adopt an innovative approach to the management of earthmoving machinery to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and competitive market.

The training

Training #1 – Technology for collaboration

For a week, follow some simple rules to use technology collaboratively, not only aimed at achieving a given goal, but also with respect to the needs of other people:

Transparency: share your agenda and get others to share theirs with you.

Cleaning: whenever you can, put a maximum of 3 people in carbon copy in an email, to avoid the multiplication of information that could draw unnecessary attention from others.

Alignment: work on shared documents, to avoid unnecessary efforts and waste of time (for example, to avoid working in parallel on different versions of the same file).

Accuracy: send targeted and concise emails, 5-10 lines maximum, with an unambiguous subject and a content structure that is understandable at a glance.

Empathy: send emails only during respectful hours (“sociable hours”), avoiding evenings and weekends, limiting yourself to communicating what the other person expects to know from you, or what is relevant to them.

Training #2 – Collective intelligence

For a week, follow 7 simple rules to collaborate and create innovative solutions together with others, the result of collective intelligence.

Don’t undermine other people’s ideas, but encourage them to generate new ones by “launching” on theirs (avoid “yes, but…” and use “yes, and…”).

Respect the rules of brainstorming, not only in dedicated sessions, but in every moment of sharing and exchanging ideas with other people. Separate the creative phase of generating ideas (divergent phase) from the judgment (convergent phase): when you are in the first, “surf” freely among the ideas of others and, only in the second, express your consent or dissent with clarity and respect.

Facilitates collective thinking: connect and relate your ideas to those of others and those of others to each other (“your idea makes me think of…”)

Listen actively, ask others questions to better understand how and what they think. Engage, offer and ask for suggestions and advice.

Relativize: start from the assumption that your beliefs are a point of view, not a mandatory dogma. Question yourself, invite others to challenge your ideas, and continually look for ideas to improve your thinking with the help of others.

Keeping your eyes closed and paying attention to your breathing will help you fall asleep quickly.

No distractions: your phone’s “flight mode” is your best friend!

Tamarri: for a technology dedicated to empathy! 😉


Act plural

Act plural. “A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
(John Lennon)

Act the plural: collaboration and individuality

Collaborating means actively participating to achieve objectives or carrying out an activity. Within the company, collaboration is essential, as a synergistic relationship between two or more entities that work together. The main aim is to produce something better than what could be done alone.

“Collaboration”, however, should not be at odds with “Individuality”.

One of the most famous maxims on teamwork, attributed to the Chicago Bulls assistant coach, Tex Winter, reads: “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’”. It is also said that the star of that team, Michael Jordan, replied thus: “But there is an ‘I’ in ‘win’”.

True: there is no room for individualism in collaboration. But successful collaboration requires room for individuality, today more than ever. Today, even thinking working alone has become almost impossible.

Not only that: we ourselves, individually, have an “internal team”, and we are like a team made up of several different personalities, with different interests and desires, even divergent.

Act plural: collaboration and empathy

The goal of the day of the professional self, for example, may not coincide with that of the family self. Everyone gives the best of themselves if they are in balance with their life, and therefore collaborating means contributing to mutual balance.

Collaborating, especially today that technologies give us access to increasingly effective and pervasive connection tools (the magic – unthinkable 15 years ago – of a video call) and sharing (the agility of a shared working document), then also becomes and above all a question of empathy, a delicate interlocking of “fractals” between our “internal team” and the actual “external teams” of which we are part.

Sharing a project objective matters, and how; but collaborating with someone to ensure that both ours and their more “subtle” desires and needs come out gratified and valued, is what makes the difference in ours (and in others’) work-life balance.

The advice: collaborate more and better, with others and with yourself. In the era of sharing, it is not only projects and objectives that are “shared”, but also people, their values, their sensitivities, their multiple desires: committed to ensuring that everything – not just the result of project – comes out improved. Also because if you learn to respect other people’s time, others will learn to respect yours.

Act plural: ask yourself the right questions

What can I concretely do to facilitate all-round collaboration in my team?

How do I take into account the “vital” needs and desires of the people I collaborate with?

What questions do I ask my colleagues to stimulate them and enrich my and their ideas?

How do I evaluate my active listening level? And how could I improve it?


Allenamento #1 – Tecnologia per collaborare

Per una settimana, segui alcune semplici regole per utilizzare la tecnologia in modo collaborativo, non solo finalizzato al raggiungimento di un dato obiettivo, ma anche rispetto alle esigenze delle altre persone:
Trasparenza: condividi la tua agenda e fa’ in modo che gli altri condividano la propria con te.
Pulizia: tutte le volte che puoi, metti al massimo 3 persone in copia conoscenza in un’email, per evitare la moltiplicazione di informazioni che potrebbero prendere attenzione inutile dagli altri.
Allineamento: lavora su documenti condivisi, per evitare sforzi superflui e sprechi di tempo (per esempio, per non lavorare in parallelo su versioni diverse dello stesso file).
Accuratezza: invia email mirate e concise, 5-10 righe al massimo, con un oggetto inequivocabile e una struttura dei contenuti comprensibile a colpo d’occhio.
Empatia: invia email solo in ore rispettose (“sociable hours”), evitando le sere e i weekend, limitandoti a comunicare ciò che l’altra persona si aspetta di sapere da te, o ciò che è rilevante per lei.

Allenamento #2 – Intelligenza collettiva

Per un settimana, segui 7 semplici regole per collaborare e creare insieme agli altri soluzioni innovative, frutto di intelligenza collettiva.
Non mettere in crisi le idee degli altri, ma incoraggiali a generarne di nuove “rilanciando” sulle loro (evita “sì, ma…” e usa il “sì, e…”).
Rispetta le regole del brainstorming, non solo nelle sessioni dedicate, ma in ogni momento di condivisione e scambio di idee con altre persone. Separa la fase creativa di generazione delle idee (fase divergente) dal giudizio (fase convergente): quando sei nella prima, “surfa” in libertà tra le idee degli altri e, solo nella seconda, esprimi con chiarezza e rispetto il tuo consenso o dissenso.
Facilita il pensiero collettivo: connetti e metti in relazione le tue idee con quelle degli altri e quelle degli altri tra loro (“la tua idea mi fa pensare a…”)
Ascolta in modo attivo, fai domande agli altri per capire meglio come e cosa pensano. Coinvolgi, offri e chiedi suggerimenti e consigli.

Relativizza: parti dal presupposto che le tue convinzioni sono un punto di vista, non un dogma inderogabile. Mettiti in discussione, invita gli altri a sfidare le tue idee e cerca continuamente spunti per migliorare il tuo pensiero con l’aiuto degli altri.
Occhi sempre chiusi e attenzione sul respiro ti aiuteranno a prendere sonno rapidamente.
Nessuna distrazione: il “flight mode” del telefono è il tuo miglior amico!

Tamarri: per una tecnologia all’insegna dell’empatia! 😉

Safety and efficiency in the evolution of the industrial landscape


Safety and efficiency: Industry 4.0, a technological revolution which, by integrating artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things, redefines industrial production with automated processes and an interconnected environment. This evolution enhances the efficiency and customization of production, requiring the adoption of innovative solutions to fully exploit its potential.

Redefining the future: Industrial Plants 4.0

We live in an era of epochal changes, in which industry is experiencing an unprecedented revolution: Industry 4.0. This radical transformation is driven by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented reality, which are redefining the way we produce and manage industrial activities.

Industry 4.0 represents a significant step forward compared to previous industrial paradigms. It’s not just about automating production processes, but about creating a completely interconnected, intelligent and flexible environment. The machines communicate with each other and with management systems in real time, allowing for more precise control and immediate response to unexpected events.

The heart of this revolution is digitalisation, which goes beyond the simple computerization of processes. Thanks to advanced data collection and analysis systems, companies can obtain a detailed view of their operations, enabling more informed decisions and optimized resource management. Production becomes more efficient, personalized and sustainable.

The practical applications of Industry 4.0 are evident in sectors such as manufacturing, logistics and maintenance. Forklifts, for example, can be equipped with intelligent sensors and geolocation systems to improve safety and optimize warehouse operations. Predictive maintenance becomes a reality, reducing downtime and increasing the life of systems.

This revolution is not only technological but also involves a cultural and organizational change. Businesses must adopt an open mindset to innovation and invest in training their teams to fully capitalize on the benefits of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 therefore represents an extraordinary opportunity to redefine our approach to industrial production. It is a journey towards technological excellence, operational efficiency and sustainability, which is shaping the future of businesses and industry as a whole.

Redefining the future: Tamarri, a constantly evolving reality

How is Tamarri positioned in this revolution?

For Tamarri S.R.L., technology and innovation represent a passion, a true vocation. This is why STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO were created, advanced solutions to improve safety and efficiency in industry 4.0. STS EVO 4.0 and Tracker EVO by Tamarri have enabled expansion, designed to improve safety and efficiency, they are advanced solutions that can be successfully integrated into Tamarri’s portfolio to meet the growing needs of the sector.

But let’s find out them in detail: the STS EVO 4.0 device, focused on driver access control and pedestrian management, offers a significant contribution to warehouse safety. Its ability to reduce slowdowns in specific areas not only improves workplace safety but also helps increase productivity. This device offers advanced solutions that go beyond traditional spare parts, positioning Tamarri as a complete supplier for safety and efficiency needs within the industry.

The Tracker EVO, with its advanced vehicle monitoring and geolocalization function, allows you to optimize vehicle management and improve driver safety, representing an added value of great importance.

The tax and financial breaks introduced by the Government encourage companies to adopt Industry 4.0 solutions, reducing production costs.

Redefining the Future: A Portal to Security

In an era where technological innovation merges closely with the industrial sector, we cannot ignore the crucial role that safety plays in shaping the future of working environements. From the data provided by INAIL it clearly emerges that the majority of accidents are caused by failure to comply with safety regulations, underlining the need for constant commitment to guarantee safe and protected working environments.


What emerges from this analysis is the responsibility of each company in promoting a culture of safety. We as Tamarri s.r.l firmly believe that economic progress must be accompanied by respect and defense of the value of people and work, exposed in the rules that regulate this area.

Safety at work is not just regulatory compliance, but an ethical and social commitment that goes beyond mere observance of the law.

With a proactive approach to safety and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, we can not only reduce the number of injuries, but also create healthier and more productive work environments. Investing in safety protects the well-being of workers, moreover, it helps building companies that are resilient and sustainable in the long term. In this context, compliance with safety regulations becomes a foundation for building a prosperous and sustainable economic future, in which people are the center of industrial progress.

Precisely for this reason Tamarri has created a dedicated portal:


Tamarri elevates safety: advanced systems and solutions for forklifts

In recent years, Tamarri has expanded its market, focusing on the sale and application of innovative safety systems for forklifts. Our range includes devices for light and acoustic signaling, onboard systems such as bumpers, rear-view mirrors, seat belts, emergency buttons, and solutions related to fundamental maintenance, which is often neglected. Among these, the hydraulic chain cutting press and the rigorous gauges for measuring wear guarantee maximum safety when replacing chains.

Our product line ranges from the reliability of the sophisticated tracker device for real-time monitoring of the entire fleet to the most advanced devices. In particular, what we are particularly proud of is our STS collision avoidance system. Designed in-house by Tamarri, this cutting-edge platform improves safety in logistics sectors, offering optimal control over handling vehicles.

Our safety systems for forklifts, stand out for their reliability, precision and rigor. Designed in compliance with the latest safety regulations and produced with top quality materials, these systems allow you to improve the safety of handling vehicles, from the warehouse to the construction site, through an increase in remote monitoring possibilities.

In pursuing industrial excellence, we know that safety is not just a priority, but the key to a sustainable future. We look to the future with the certainty that investing in safety means investing in the lasting success of businesses and the well-being of people.