Act plural


Act plural. ”A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality” – John Lennon

Act plural: collaboration and individuality

 To collaborate means to actively participate, to achieve the accomplishment of a task or the performance of an activity. Within the company, collaboration is fundamental, as a synergistic relationship between two or more entities working together. The main goal is to produce something better than what could be done alone.

“Collaboration,” however, should not be at odds with “Individuality.”

One of the most famous quotes about teamwork, attributed to Chicago Bulls assistant coach Tex Winter, states: “there is no ‘I’ in ‘team.'” It is also said that the star of that team, Michael Jordan, replied: “but there is an ‘I’ in ‘win.'”

Fact: there is no room for individualism in collaboration. But successful collaboration requires room for individuality, now more than ever, since working alone has become almost impossible.

Even we ourselves individually have an “internal team,” and we are like a team composed of several different personalities, with different interests and desires, even divergent ones.

Act plural: collaboration and empathy

The goal of the I-professional’s day, for example, may not coincide with that of the I-in-family. Each person is at his or her best if he or she is in balance with his or her own life, and so to collaborate means to contribute to each other’s balance.

To collaborate, especially today when technologies give us access to increasingly effective and pervasive tools of connection (the magic – unthinkable 15 years ago – of a videocall) and sharing (the agility of a shared working document), it then becomes also and above all a matter of empathy, a delicate interconnection of “fractals” between our “internal team” and the real “external teams” of which we are part.

Sharing a project goal is important but collaborating with someone to ensure that both ours and his or her more “subtle” wants and needs are gratified and enhanced is what makes all the difference in our (and others’) work-life balance.

The advice: collaborate more and better, with others and with yourself. In the age of sharing, it is not only projects and goals that are “shared,” but also people, their values, their sensitivities, their multiple desires: commit to making sure that everything comes out better, not just the outcome of the project. Because if you learn to respect other people’s time, others will learn to respect yours.

Act plural: ask yourself the right questions

What can I do concretely to facilitate the collaboration in my team?

How do I consider the “vital” needs and desires of the people I collaborate with?

What questions should I ask my colleagues to stimulate and enrich my and their ideas?

How do I assess my level of active listening? And how could I improve it?


Workout #1 – Technology to collaborate

For one week, follow some simple rules to collaborate with technology, not only to achieve a given goal but also to respect other people’s needs:

Transparency: share your schedule and have others share theirs with you.

Cleanliness: as often as you can, put a maximum of 3 people in knowledge copy of an email, to avoid multiplication of information that might take unnecessary attention from others.

Alignment: work on shared documents, to avoid unnecessary effort and wasted time (e.g., not to work in parallel on different versions of the same file).

Accuracy: send targeted and concise emails, 5-10 lines maximum, with an unambiguous subject line and content structure that can be understood immediately.

Empathy: send emails only at respectful hours (“sociable hours”), avoiding evenings and weekends, limiting yourself to communicating what the other person expects to know from you, or what is relevant to them.

Workout #2 – Collective intelligence

For one week, follow 7 simple rules to collaborate and create innovative solutions together with others that are the result of collective intelligence.

– Instead of “the Devil’s,” be “the Angel’s Advocate”: don’t undermine others’ ideas but encourage them to generate new ones by “raising” on their own (avoid “yes, but…” and use “yes, and…”).

Respect the brainstorming rules not only in dedicated sessions but in any time of sharing and exchanging ideas with other people. Separate the creative phase of idea generation (divergent phase) from judgment (convergent phase): when you are in the former, “surf” freely among other people’s ideas and, only in the latter, clearly and respectfully express your agreement or disagreement.

Facilitate collective thinking: connect and relate your ideas to others and those of others to each other (“your idea makes me think of…”)

Listen actively: ask your colleagues questions to understand better how and what they think. Involve, offer and ask for suggestions and advice.

Relativize: start with the assumption that your beliefs are a point of view, not an unbreakable dogma. Question yourself, invite others to challenge your ideas, and continually look for cues to improve your thinking with the help of others.

Eyes shut and focus on your breathing will help you get to sleep quickly.

No distractions: the phone’s “flight mode” is your best friend!

Tamarri: technology for empathy! 😉

Industry 4.0: a valuable process

Industry 4.0: a process set to make industrial production automated and interconnected. Some more information on smart machines.

macchine intelligenti

Industry 4.0: some historical background

The term Industry 4.0 refers to a process intended to make industrial production automated and interconnected, that means carried out by means of smart, interconnected machines that communicate with the Internet.

It is considered the “4th Industrial Revolution.” The main idea is the digitization and computerization of the production chain leading to the final product, which is considered “smart” due to its connection to the internet.

Factory 4.0 represents therefore not only the introduction of new technologies into the company, but also a real reconfiguration of the production process.

The concept of Industry 4.0 was first born in 2011 in Germany. The name concept was given by a working group headed by a large company and a scientific academy.

In 2014, the EU Commission issued a Communication entitled “An Industrial Renaissance for Growth and Jobs,” in which its intention to put industry at the top of the European agenda to halt industrial decline and re-industrialize Europe emerged.

In April 2016, given the need for centralized coordination among several countries (the Netherlands, Slovakia, France and Italy) that were moving on this issue unevenly, the European Commission presented the plan for Industry 4.0.

Why the “National Industry 4.0 Plan?”

Italy is one of the countries that seized the German initiative and the EC Communication. In November 2015 the MISE presented the document “Industry 4.0, the Italian way to manufacturing competitiveness,” containing an action strategy to promote the development of the fourth industrial revolution:  from boosting industrial investment, with a focus on R&D, knowledge and innovation, to ensuring network security (cyber-security) and privacy protection.

normativa industria 4.0

In September 2016, the National Industry 4.0 Plan was unveiled, later incorporated into the Stability Law for 2017, with the aim of innovating entrepreneurs’ investments. Industry 4.0 has been at the center of economic transformation in Italy and around the world for several years. Companies are increasingly digital and interconnected: the fourth industrial revolution has also begun in Italy, the second largest manufacturing country in Europe.

In an increasingly modern and interconnected context, it is essential to give a concrete response of digitization in all industrial sectors, especially in logistics, material handling and control of operational means  within these important supply chains.


Thanks to the ad hoc government plan and subsequent evolutions and revisions, we have arrived at the recent “Industry 4.0 Plus Plan,” which provides the so-called Tax Credit (the former Hyper and Super Depreciation) among many technical and fiscal benefits,). A fundamental but not unique lever for introducing a new modernization paradigm in industry.

The project was born precisely as part of this “4.0 revolution,” to design, implement and market the SMARTPASS Evo 4.0 platform.

It is a complete platform for the monitoring/management of handling equipment (especially forklifts, pallet trucks, earthmoving, agricultural and other machines) consisting of two main elements.

– A hardware device to be installed on each vehicle that you wish to manage (SMARTreader Evo 4.0)

– A cloud platform implemented for a complete management of data, logs, and alerts sent and received by the device (SmartPass cloud service).

The SMARTPASS Evo 4.0 system is certified by external body “ECO Certifications S.p.A. and it is placed under the category of intelligent devices, instrumentation and components for integration, sensorization and/or interconnection and automatic process control also used for the modernization or for the revamping of existing production systems.”

The SMARTPASS Evo 4.0 device has features that enable it to be selected for 4.0. In order to benefit directly for the advantages or make the advantages available for its user customer, it is necessary to certify the vehicle with the assembled device. The certification must be under the name of the person who benefits from the tax break.

Industry 4.0 for rentals

Are renters eligible for depreciation and Tax Credit benefits?

– AdE Circular 03/2017 and the 04/2017 clarify that assets used under an operating lease or rental agreement are excluded from the benefit. For such assets, the surcharge, if the requirements are met, may occur to the lessor or lessee. It must be noted that the benefit occurs only if the rental activity or operating lease constitutes the main object of the business.

– Clarification AdE 01/2020: the possibility to access to the accounting / tax benefit is due if such leasing activities are activities habitually carried out by the enterprise, i.e. activities that although they are not prevalent (under the point of view of resources committed and book values), they are nonetheless not occasional but typical, habitual, precisely, and substantial as in the case of the writer.

What is meant by “Interconnection”?

In order for a product, considering the provisions of Article 1(11) of the 2017 Budget Law, to be defined as “interconnected,” it is necessary and sufficient that:

-It exchanges information with internal systems(e.g.: management system, planning systems, product design and development systems, monitoring, including remote monitoring and control, other machines in the plant, etc.) and/or external systems(e.g.: customers, suppliers, partners in collaborative design and development, other production sites, supply chain, etc.) using a connection based on documented, publicly available and internationally recognized specifications(examples: TCP-IP, HTTP, MQTT, etc.).

-It is uniquely identified, in order to recognize the origin of the information, using internationally recognized addressing standards (e.g., IP address)

Mobile Machinery – MiSE Circ 23.05.2018 clarifications

  • – “Machinery, including traction and operating machinery, tools and devices for loading and unloading, handling…” (Annex A, first group-point 11)- A requirement for automatic or semi-automatic driving is introduced for mobile machines


    controllo del mezzo

  • – Automatic or semiautomatic driving does not constitute an autonomous and additional requirement to those required by the facilitating regulations, but rather a technological feature or, in other words, a mode through which, for the “mobile machines” in question, the requirements of interconnection and automated integration is achieved.- With reference to the case of semiautomatic driving, it is clarified that, for the purposes of the hyper depreciation rules, semiautomatically guided “mobile machines” are those equipped with driving systems capable of controlling at least one displacement function: for example, steering, speed, stopping.

    – Automatic and semiautomatic driving is required, for example: for agricultural tractors, for wheel loaders or dumpers used on construction sites and in construction activities in general, and for trucks used in ports for container handling.

    Tamarri S.r.l. stands for an ‘increasingly interconnected and innovative industry! 😉

Training of forklift drivers in total safety

formazione carrellisti

Tamarri S.r.l. has developed a new, simple and cheap system for locking the vehicles in case of danger during courses dedicated to forklift drivers. Indeed, aspiring forklift drivers do not always have full mastery of the vehicles, in some cases they can pose a danger to themselves, people and property.


Forklift driver training: a solution by Tamarri

Tamarri S.r.l. has always been keen on safety, not only in warehouses, but also during all operator training. A small step for safety even at the delicate stage of training new operators.

That’s why we decided to develop a new protection system entirely dedicated to the phase of driving during forklift operator training courses.

Forklift Operator Training: The SS22 Kit

The SS22 kit consists of:

1 forklift device STS90A

1 STS89 push-button transmitter (remote control).

Taking inspiration from the dual pedals that are mandatory for driving school cars, we have implemented the features of devices already used for automatic vehicle slowdown by simply forcing the state of the ignition relay inside our STS90A using a remote control.


With a simple pressure of the button on the remote control it provides immediate action on the relay, which, if properly operated, can stop the vehicle in case of danger.

Distances are adjustable through free Android APP, as are all SafeTsystem series transmitters.

Tamarri, all the best for lift trucks! 😉

From the Cdm the decree “Aiuti ter”


“Aiuti ter” decree Approved by the Cdm: in our article we will identify the most important measures.

The Aiuti ter decree: enhanced tax credits

A difficult year lies ahead for Italian families and businesses. Energy crisis is here, and little room for maneuver is predicted by experts for the new government, while Europe would need “a compactness that is not taken for granted,” as economist Michele Polo stated.

Meanwhile, what is happening to support businesses? Last Friday, September 16, the measure that establishes extended and enhanced electricity and gas tax credits for energy-intensive industries (click here to read the draft) was approved (a credit for small businesses is also planned). The measure was approved by the Council of Ministers and in total allocates €14 billion.

In addition, fuel tax cuts are also planned until Oct. 31. On the other hand, the case for the “Aiuti bis” decree with news on the Superbonus and other energy measures has been filed, although the text has not been approved by the Senate yet. Finally, the new regulations of the “Aiuti ter” decree are about to be published.

The Aiuti ter decree explained

The main measures of the decree, outlined by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, include the extension and strengthening of tax credits for industries with high energy consumption, the extension of the fuel excise tax cut, as well as various interventions for business liquidity.

To be clearer: the decree extends to October and November 2022 the tax credits for electricity and gas to businesses and strengthens them; these credits increase to 40% of the expenses incurred for electricity and gas purchases, by energy-intensive companies.

For different uses other than thermoelectric, companies other than those with high gas consumption will also be eligible for the same 40% credit.

The measure also provides a 30% tax credit for electricity expenses, granted to companies with meters with an available power of 4.5 kW or more, other than energy-intensive companies.”

This scheme will continue  until Sept. 30, 2022, with credits of 25% (for businesses with high consumption) and 15% for businesses with meters with available power of 16.5 kW or more.


crisi energetica


What about fuels? As for fuels, tax cuts on diesel, gasoline, LPG and natural gas are extended until October 31, 2022.

Regarding bank loans granted at the lowest rate (in line with the Btp) for the payment of energy bills, companies struggling with high utility bills will be able to obtain free guarantees from Sace (Insurance and Financial Services for Business)

Regarding the new regasification capacity, the decree is enriched with an article (14-bis) to dl 50/2022, according to which “the provisions of this article shall apply to applications submitted pursuant to paragraph 5 even if, during the authorization referred to in paragraph 2, prescriptions are imposed, factors arise that impose substantial changes or alternative locations.”

Finally, for the extra profits from renewables under Decree 4/2022 (Article 15-bis), it is provided that the relevant proceeds “shall be paid by the GSE by November 30, 2022, on a cumulative basis for the period from February to August 2022 and on a monthly basis for the following months, to the State budget and shall remain acquired by the Treasury up to the total amount of 3,400 million euros.”

Tamarri S.r.l is aware of the difficult times companies are facing. As always, we will be present and efficient to offer you the best products at competitive prices. 👌



For Tamarri, security is smart!

Tamarri’s commitment to security within companies is clear. In this article, we decided to dedicate our usual appointment with readers to special onboard safety systems: cameras and bumpers. Thanks to our wide selection of onboard safety accessories for forklifts and automatic machines, we are able to guarantee the widest market coverage.

Watch the video about our safety systems 🙂

Why install a camera on the forklift?

Almost all warehouses and industrial maneuvering areas are considered to be the stage of speed, dynamism and productivity. Safety in the day-to-day maneuvering of equipment and personnel is therefore ESSENTIAL.

Camera systems are designed to increase the performance and safety in maneuvering forklifts and industrial vehicles.

Ease of maneuvering in trucks and speed makes these devices essential in order to complement and optimize safety in the working environment.

A wide range of cameras, from wide-focus cameras installed for safe and reliable reversing, to front fork cameras to minimize impacts during pallet loading and unloading maneuvers.

An extremely valuable support, easy to install thanks to the WiFi communication of video signals, visible on the large onboard monitor.

Magnetic bumpers


Our bumpers are resistant to aging and perfectly visible.

Available in various sizes, they find countless applications. They can be applied to a wide variety of  surfaces thanks to their practical fixing holes already prepared at the origin or by means of powerful magnets.

With our SS141 bumper kits, replacing a no longer suitable bumper for preventing, limiting or cushioning the damage of a collision becomes simple and economical. It can also be combined with the TA36216 integrated sensor system.

Assisted parking systems are among the most popular aftermarket accessories in the automotive and material handling markets. However, installation is often complex and tedious. Thanks to our TA36216 “do-it-yourself kit”, installation is quick and easy. The robust and reliable control unit can be conveniently installed anywhere on the vehicle.

With Tamarri, safety is not an option! 👌