Keeping your forklifts running: our mission

A broken forklift can cause production delays, increase maintenance costs and create dangerous working situations for operators. In this article, we will explore how a company specializing in forklift spare parts can help you keep your forklifts running smoothly, thanks to the supply of high-quality spare parts and technical support.


Forklifts: among the most important components of warehouse and production operations

When forklifts break down, they can cause serious problems such as production delays and increased maintenance costs. Furthermore, a faulty forklift can be dangerous for operators and potentially cause injuries or damage to goods.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, having a reliable forklift parts supplier who can ensure the availability of high-quality spare parts to keep your forklifts in perfect condition and always moving is pf primary importance.

The advantages of a company specializing in forklift spare parts

A company specializing in forklift parts can offer a wide range of high-quality spare parts for all brands and models of forklifts. In addition to spare parts, these companies can also provide technical support, consultancy and training to ensure that operators are able to use forklifts safely and efficiently. Furthermore, by working with a specialist supplier, you can save time and money, as you will have access to a wide range of spare parts and technical assistance services.

What are the risks of using non-original spare parts

The use of non-original spare parts can cause safety problems, reduce the efficiency of the forklift and increase long-term maintenance costs.

efficienza del magazzino

These  parts may not have been designed and manufactured to the same standards and specifications as original parts, which can cause problems such as premature wear and failure of forklift components.

How to choose a company specializing in spare parts for forklifts

When choosing a forklift parts supplier, it is important to look for a company that has extensive experience in the industry and offers a wide range of high-quality original spare parts. Make sure the company also provides technical support and technical assistance services to help you keep your fleet moving. Additionally, looking for a company that has helpful and reliable customer service that can answer all your questions and provide assistance in case of emergencies is always a reccomended choice.

How the forklift spare parts company can help you keep your forklifts efficient and always moving

Tamarri, a company specializing in forklift spare-parts, can help you keep your forklifts in perfect working order by providing a wide range of original, high-quality spare parts.

If you are looking for technical support to help you resolve common issues and avoid future problems, they are always available to offer advice on how to use the forklifts safely and efficiently, ensuring that operators are informed of the latest regulations and best practices.



Thanks to Tamarri S.r.l. you can provide maximum efficiency and safety of your forklifts, ensuring that your warehouse and manufacturing operations are able to run smoothly.

IoT: a cutting-edge technology


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that includes smart devices such as sensors, actuators and network devices able to communicate with each other and with external systems. This technology is developing rapidly and the use of IoT is increasing in many industries to improve efficiency, safety and quality of services.

IoT technology and competitive advantage for businesses

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly important in industry and commerce. Allowing to collect and analyze data in real time to improve production, logistics, and resource management is a key utility. Consequently, companies using this technology benefit from a competitive advantage.

Competition among companies is becoming increasingly fierce, and to stand out, it essential to have high-quality, low-cost production. Meaning that, increasing the amount of production per unit time is a good solution.

The main goal is to achieve the best balance between operating costs and revenues, as reducing costs per unit of production is one of the key factors to consider in any competitive market. In this context, cost reduction studies of operating activities, purchasing, production and marketing costs are gaining more and more importance.

IoT technology: reducing operational costs

The good news is that technology offers many opportunities to reduce operating costs, particularly in transportation, between departments and between processing points. Using new technologies for dedicated material handling transport equipment (for instance forklifts) can make the process more efficient and faster.  In fact, the responsiveness of forklifts in lifting and transporting loads, as well as the versatility in their use, are gradually increasing.

Moreover, the development of technology has created new opportunities and new businesses in all sectors, whether in the production, storage or shipment of raw materials, semi-finished or finished products. In these cases, the use of lifting and transporting machines, conscious and responsible labor, are preferable when combined with high-level technology.

IoT technology: evolution and security to support specialized workforce.

The rise of transport lifting machines and the use of IoT increases positive contributions to the workforce as they facilitate all industrial and commercial activities, including production in various lines of business, temporary storage, main warehouses and shipping stages.

sicurezza e qualità

In the last decade, forklifts have evolved and the most widely used technologies ensure that loads are moved more easily, quickly and safely than more traditional means of transportation.

IoT allows companies a remote control of their devices and equipment.  Problems can be identified and fixed before they can cause disruptions in production. In addition, IoT enables companies to optimize resource utilization, for example, by using sensors to monitor the load level of forklifts and schedule maintenance operations.

Internet-connected forklifts

An example of how IoT can be used to improve production are Internet-connected forklifts. These trucks are equipped with sensors that collect data (location, speed, load level and other information).The data collected can be used to optimize the use of the trucks. For example, by scheduling load movements more efficiently.

On top of that, the use of Internet-connected forklifts enables companies to monitor and manage their assets more efficiently.  Notifications are sent in case of problems or malfunctions, allowing companies to act rapidly and prevent any disruptions in production.

In conclusion, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the use of Internet-connected forklifts are some of the Best Practices that companies can implement to increase the amount of production per unit of time, reduce operating costs, improve competitive conditions, and make handling operations safer. Using these technologies enables companies to collect and analyze data in real time to optimize production, logistics and resource management.

Tamarri has always been committed to security within companies. For Tamarri, security is smart! 🔝

Forklifts…in competition!

gare di carrelli elevatori

Forklifts in competition. We are all familiar with the evolution of forklift performance: from hoist to container lift; from simple and uncertain vehicles to comfortable and safe vehicles. However, not everyone knows that forklifts also compete in real races of speed and dexterity. Read our article to learn more!

Forklifts…in competition: the origins and evolution of the forklift truck

By now we all know the history of the first forklift, which has been already discussed in a previous article.

It was Eugene Clark in the 1920s who invented the forklift, which quickly spread around the world at the same time with the pallet after World War II.

A means, a vehicle, an essential tool for work in a wide variety of fields. Since that time the evolution of the forklift has never stopped.


Forklifts, a constant evolution

Over the years, there have been many applications of the latest technologies on forklifts. From basic performance in the beginning, there has been a move to increasingly complex and peculiar performance; starting from easy and simple forklifts, there have been increasingly comfortable and ergonomic vehicles over time.

But perhaps the greatest and most exciting steps have occurred in the field of safety: modern on-board electronics include a multifunction display where basic information (state of charge, operating mode, hours of operation, date and time, etc.) and technical information are displayed.

Some examples of these implementations are the application of a protective cabin for the driver’s compartment, the abolition of the manual transmission in favor of automatic transmission and the use of power steering and the applications of electronics capable of overseeing the main operations are from recent times.

Moreover, the count of  latest generation devices for signaling obstacles, pedestrians, operating gate openings, recording actions, and automating is incredibly consistent. All these devices are meant to promote and enhance the safety of construction site handling.

Forklifts…competing for the Olympics

Those who know about forklifts are already familiar with this news. In fact, we remembered them because they represent the premise of what we want to tell you, which is closely related to SAFETY itself.



Let’s take a time jump: we are at the 2012 London Olympics: Charlotte, North Carolina, provides the perfect environment for the U.S. and Canadian Olympic trials for the canoe slalom in April. TV commercials start, billboards rise with sponsors courting America’s Olympic champions, as London prepares to take the main stage on the world sports scene for the summer.

As many as 204 countries and territories will cheer on their athletes and teams.  While Usain Bolt is warming up his muscles, someone else is warming up his engines: it’s the forklift drivers…but how is that possible? That’s right, at the 2012 London Olympics, “forklift drivers” are training to make their debut at the Olympic Games. Where?

In Dallas, Texas, those working in the forklift world organize their own version of the Games: the 200-meter Forklift Drag Race. Traffic cones become the lane lines, drivers “warm up” their favorite forklift by choosing it from the warehouse fleet, and off they go…set off at a jaw-dropping 10 mph!

Videos immediately spread on YouTube: incredulous viewers could see Erik’s Hyster “beaten up by the old Mitsubishi” in the middle of a parking lot. With this performance, the forklift brand should seriously consider sponsorship for the Olympics.

Forklifts in competition: typologies

What types of forklifts are they? Forklift companies produce both internal combustion forklifts and electric ones. Given that diesel forklifts are built for speed and endurance, they are the favorites for endurance racing, compared to gas or propane ones.

Unfortunately, stories don’t always end as they should: in 2012 the International Olympic Committee approved two new sports, mixed doubles tennis and women’s boxing, but not the Forklift Rally! 🥺


olimpiadi di Londra

Despite the motivation and self-sacrifice of forklift drivers from Texas, their “sport” will not be accepted. Of course, seeing Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, breaking yet another world record for the 100-meter must have been a great thrill for the crowd, but would you compare it with a forklift race to the last fork, amidst obstacles and setbacks? ☺

Unfortunately, the race could not be held but it doesn’t really matter: nothing can stop the Forklift Racers. They were not discouraged and continued to practice agile turns around those barrels, confident that their dream for Olympic glory will soon become true!


Fun, culture, safety

Fun and safety are the basis of forklifts competitions that over the years have taken place in Italy as well.

In some Italian forklift companies, therefore, the idea of organizing real Grand Prix was born, precisely to spread the culture of safety to operators through “sports” events that involves and excites! 😀

These competitions are held in compliance with current government ministerial regulations so that safety is guaranteed during the event.

Working with material handling equipment creates an environment with a high risk of injury. In this regard, Tamarri S.r.l, firmly believes that the productivity of a warehouse begins first and foremost with safety.  Our aim is therefore to make operators aware of the risks of driving a forklift and to show them how to drive these beautiful machines properly.

In addition to training, there is technology. Therefore, the company in recent years has distinguished itself in the design and manufacture of safety devices.

Safety is our vocation!!! 😉



Slowing down the forklift in specific areas

Forklift slowdown. The safety of vehicles inside warehouses and production areas is a fundamental issue that requires increasingly safe and technological devices. Tamarri has always been at the forefront of research and distribution of the best solutions in this area.

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Forklift slowdown: a safety issue

Safety within warehouses and production areas in general is an important issue. The one of forklift slowdown in specific and sensitive area represents a topic of particular interest.

schema rallentamento incrocio

Workplace safety laws are increasingly specific and stringent, as are regulations. Warehouses, even though highly automated, must account for many unexpected variables. For instance, pedestrian movements within specific maneuvering areas, “blind” aisles in which vehicles maneuver.

Thus, increasingly high-tech, high-level devices and solutions come into play, managed and controlled remotely through websites, cell phones and tablets.

On this fundamental aspect Tamarri wanted to contribute.

Read how! 😉

Tamarri and the slowdown in zone and area

Tamarri S.r.l. created the forklift slowdown device combining high-tech sensors and transmitters. But let’s see how.

What it does

With the combination of different sensors and transmitters from the STS range, it is possible to slow down the forklift in medium and large areas, such as production areas, corridors and warehouses with high pedestrian density, or in specific areas, such as pedestrian crossings, intersections and offices.

Let us now analyze the devices used within the STS ecosystem.

Devices used and technical data of individual components

STS90A forklift device 12-24V

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THE FORKLIFT DEVICE, is the central hub of the system, used to collect signals, data and system parameterization.  It features 2 on-board relays to access control, speed reduction and shock sensor.

Wall-applied powered transmitters

These transmitters allow to automate the slowing down and restart of the vehicle speed in specific areas

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• STS95 area limitation transmitter
• STS94 function reset transmitter
• STS99 area limitation transmitter

They are equipped with a rechargeable buffer battery LIR2450 to cover blackout periods, for which external power supply is required (these are recommended devices).

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Battery-powered transmitters applied on the wall:

– STS95P area limitation transmitter

– STS94P function reset transmitter

– STS99P area limitation transmitter

Those devices are simpler to apply but they require periodic maintenance (CR2450 3.6V battery replacement every 6/8 months).

STS95 and STS95P zone limitation transmitters are normally used to manage access gates in dangerous areas. When the STS90A forklift device enters the sensor “bubble,” relay k2 closes, the device light turns orange from green, and the speed is reduced. The state of the relay remains as such, even when leaving the sensor intercept zone or if the vehicle is turned off and on again.

Function restoration transmitters STS94 and STS94P, represent the antagonists of the slowdown transmitters. When the forklift enters the sensor “bubble,” relay k2 reopens and the device light turns green again, restoring the medium’s standard speed.

The STS99 and STS99P area limitation transmitters are used to limit the speed of vehicles in restricted areas, pedestrian crossings, rest areas, intersections and offices. When the STS90A forklift device enters the sensor area, relay k2 closes, the device light turns red, and the speed of the vehicle is restricted.

After a certain amount of time (expressed in seconds) from the time the vehicle exits the sensor “bubble,” relay k2 reopens, the device light turns green again, and the standard speed of the vehicle is restored. This time-gap can be set in the SafeTApp.

General usage and installation

The STS90A device is meant to be installed on the forklift roof. Both access control and shock control can be activated, although the specific function of lift limitation does not require them.


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Application examples of STS94-STS95 sensors for zone slowdown.

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Application examples of STS99 sensors for in-area slowdown.

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Complete control thanks to the SafeTApp

Thanks to the cloud-based STS platform, all STS series devices and transmitters can be managed in our free Android app. With a simple cell phone or tablet, it is then possible to manage all device parameters: vehicle slowdown in area, anti-collision, pedestrian, door opener, traffic light signals, and much more!

Distances, times, and all parameterizations of individual devices can be easily set in the SafeTApp.

All devices and transmitters of the STS series, as well as the systems made with them, are NOT to be considered PPE (INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION DEVICES) and are NOT a substitute for such devices with which the user must be provided according to legal provisions. They do, however, represent a valuable safety commodity in all areas.

The sale of STS systems is reserved only for specialized workshops in the sector.

Tamarri S.r.l. continues its concrete commitment to safety at work. In collaboration with DOT-net, Tamarri has developed a system that, along with several other features, also has that of slowing down in the area! Find out more on the dedicated page of the STS Platform.

Hyper-amortization. Automatic and semiautomatic guide


Hyper-amortization. In this article, we would like to analyze the situation regarding the requirement for automatic and semiautomatic driving according to the “Transaction 4.0” plan.

Hyper-Amortization. From “Industry 4.0” plan, the facilitation regulations of hyper-amortization.

In this article, we want to tell you about the requirement of automatic and semi-automatic driving according to the provisions of the “Transaction 4.0” Plan.

With the help of Eng. Matteo Iubatti, let’s analyze the situation to provide more clarity on the topic.

Hyper-amortization in the field of automatic and semiautomatic driving: Eng. Matteo Iubatti

Below are the words of Eng. Matteo Iubatti that help us further clarify the issue related to automatic and semi-automatic driving

“The facilitating legislation of hyper-amortization (now tax credit capital goods 4.0) was introduced by Plan “Industry 4.0” by Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, published in the Official Gazette General Series No. 297 of December 21, 2016 – Ordinary Suppl. No. 57, as amended by Article 7-novies of Decree Law No. 243 of December 29, 2016, converted with amendments by Law No. 18 of February 27, 2017, and its Annexes A and B and Circular No. 4 /E of 03/30/2017 – Industry 4.0 – Article 1, paragraphs 8 to 13, of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016 – Extension, with amendments, of the discipline of the so-called “super depreciation” and introduction of the so-called “hyper depreciation.”

This legislation provides, among the eligible goods, “mobile machinery” within the meaning of Directive 46/2007/EC, defined as any self-propelled vehicle specifically designed and manufactured to perform work and, due to its construction characteristics, not suitable for transporting passengers or goods. Machines assembled on a motor vehicle chassis are not considered mobile machinery.

In Circular No. 4 /E of 03/30/2017 – Industry 4.0 – Article 1, paragraphs 8 to 13, of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016- Extension, with amendments, of the discipline of the so-called “super amortization” and introduction of the so-called “hyper amortization,” the technical specifications that such machines must meet in order to be covered by the facilitating discipline, are detailed. In addition it is reported that in the case of driving or operating machines, which operate in the outdoor environment (typically machines used in agriculture and construction) the feature of interconnection and automated integration must be fulfilled if they are completely automated (without an operator on board) or semi-automated (meaning being operator-assisted with remote control) and capable of receiving data related to the assigned task from a remote central system (related to planning, scheduling or production progress control, without necessarily having features of machine actuation or startup) located in the factory environment.

The above information thus clearly shows that the requirement of automatic or semi-automatic driving “does not constitute an autonomous and additional requirement with respect to those required by the Facilitation Framework, but rather a technological feature or, in other words, a circumstance where for the “mobile machines” in question the requirements of interconnection and automated integration are fulfilled” (clarified by Circular No. 177355 of May 23, 2018).

Also from the same Circular May 23, 2018, No. 177355, it is specified that “semi-automatically guided ‘mobile machines’ are the ones equipped with guidance systems capable of controlling at least one displacement function: for example, steering, speed, stopping.” For moving machines then, as well as for all other machines that can benefit from the hyper amortization, the main way to meet the requirements for interconnection and automated integration with the factory system are those aimed at the two-way exchange of data with the user’s information system, designed to generate value within the work process.

There is no additional requirement for automatic or semiautomatic driving needs. Automatic or semiautomatic driving does not constitute an autonomous and additional requirement with respect to those required by the Facilitative Framework, but rather a technological feature. In other words, for the “mobile machines” in question the requirements of interconnection and automated integration are considered to be fulfilled, but only if operating in an outdoor environment.”

Tamarri S.r.l. is always aware of regulatory news. Follow us to receive an expert advice. 😉