Incidenti sul carrello elevatore

Incidenti sul carrello elevatore. Purtroppo si sente parlare ancora troppo spesso di incidenti sul lavoro. In questo articolo vogliamo parlarvi degli incidenti più comuni con il carrello elevatore perché la consapevolezza è prevenzione. Incidenti sul carrello elevatore. Incidenti sul lavoro, ancora troppo frequenti. Le cronache, ancora oggi, ci riportano troppo spesso notizie drammatiche che riguardano […]

Forklifts…in competition!

Forklifts in competition. We are all familiar with the evolution of forklift performance: from hoist to container lift; from simple and uncertain vehicles to comfortable and safe vehicles. However, not everyone knows that forklifts also compete in real races of speed and dexterity. Read our article to learn more! Forklifts…in competition: the origins and evolution […]

Slowing down the forklift in specific areas

Forklift slowdown. The safety of vehicles inside warehouses and production areas is a fundamental issue that requires increasingly safe and technological devices. Tamarri has always been at the forefront of research and distribution of the best solutions in this area. Forklift slowdown: a safety issue Safety within warehouses and production areas in general is an […]

Carrelli elevatori…in gara!

Carrelli elevatori in gara. Conosciamo tutti l’evoluzione delle prestazioni del carrello elevatore: da semplice montacarichi a sollevatore di containers; da spartani e incerti mezzi a veicoli confortevoli e sicuri. Ma non tutti sanno che anche i carrelli elevatori competono tra loro in vere gare di velocità e destrezza. Leggi il nostro articolo per saperne di […]

Hyper-amortization. Automatic and semiautomatic guide

  Hyper-amortization. In this article, we would like to analyze the situation regarding the requirement for automatic and semiautomatic driving according to the “Transaction 4.0” plan. Hyper-Amortization. From “Industry 4.0” plan, the facilitation regulations of hyper-amortization. In this article, we want to tell you about the requirement of automatic and semi-automatic driving according to the […]

Act plural

Act plural. ”A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality” – John Lennon Act plural: collaboration and individuality  To collaborate means to actively participate, to achieve the accomplishment of a task or the performance of an activity. Within the company, collaboration is fundamental, as a synergistic relationship […]

Industry 4.0: a valuable process

Industry 4.0: a process set to make industrial production automated and interconnected. Some more information on smart machines. Industry 4.0: some historical background The term Industry 4.0 refers to a process intended to make industrial production automated and interconnected, that means carried out by means of smart, interconnected machines that communicate with the Internet. It […]

Training of forklift drivers in total safety

Tamarri S.r.l. has developed a new, simple and cheap system for locking the vehicles in case of danger during courses dedicated to forklift drivers. Indeed, aspiring forklift drivers do not always have full mastery of the vehicles, in some cases they can pose a danger to themselves, people and property.   Forklift driver training: a […]

Dal Cdm il decreto Aiuti ter

 Il decreto Aiuti ter Approvato dal Cdm : nel nostro articolo individueremo le misure più importanti. Il decreto Aiuti ter: potenziati i crediti di imposta Si prospetta un anno difficile per famiglie e aziende italiane. E’ crisi energetica,  e sono previsti dagli esperti pochi margini di manovra per il nuovo governo, mentre in Europa servirebbe […]

From the Cdm the decree “Aiuti ter”

“Aiuti ter” decree Approved by the Cdm: in our article we will identify the most important measures. The Aiuti ter decree: enhanced tax credits A difficult year lies ahead for Italian families and businesses. Energy crisis is here, and little room for maneuver is predicted by experts for the new government, while Europe would need […]

For Tamarri, security is smart!

Tamarri’s commitment to security within companies is clear. In this article, we decided to dedicate our usual appointment with readers to special onboard safety systems: cameras and bumpers. Thanks to our wide selection of onboard safety accessories for forklifts and automatic machines, we are able to guarantee the widest market coverage. Watch the video about […]

2D laser scanners, be sure not to slam!

Automation and safety in warehouses are managed by various tools. For years, Tamarri has put safety at the center of its business, thanks to the safety first paradigm! Today we want to introduce you to a truly cutting-edge product: 2D LiDAR sensors (also 2D laser scanners) suitable for surface measurement and detection functions. How the […]